Masako in Kimono on her way to Tea Ceremony Saga Japan

About the Artist

Masako was born and raised on the island of Kyushu in southern Japan. The youngest of nine children, she was greatly influenced by her older brothers and sisters.
As a child she learned to play the guitar and would constantly draw on any paper placed in front of her including her school textbooks. At age 22 she moved to Tokyo where she graduated from the Tokyo College of Art and Design.

Masako spent much of the next twenty years illustrating and writing children’s books while also pursuing her interest in water color, pastel and oil painting. Her award winning art has been shown all over Japan in 15 exhibitions over the past 20 years.

Having visited Whitefish, Montana in 1989, Masako was so inspired by Montana’s natural beauty that she moved there in 1998 to continue pursuing her music and fine art.

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